Hello Laura,
First, do you have the tasks set up with dependencies? If
you do not then, the end date will not magically adjust.
Second, Have you set your baseline? If not, I recommend
doing this now.
As for tracking, you will have to maintain the schedule,
Update or status, regularly. Once you have set the plan,
baseline, your original projected duration is kept as the
original plan. You can now go in and update your
durations based on what is actually going on in the
is actually completed in 2 hours how can this be recorded
so that the project end date is brought forward?
Similarly; if the four hour task took 12 hours, other than
being able to see that the task is running late how can
the resource record that it overran by 8 hours, thus
adjusting the end of the project by 8 hours accordingly?
First, do you have the tasks set up with dependencies? If
you do not then, the end date will not magically adjust.
Second, Have you set your baseline? If not, I recommend
doing this now.
As for tracking, you will have to maintain the schedule,
Update or status, regularly. Once you have set the plan,
baseline, your original projected duration is kept as the
original plan. You can now go in and update your
durations based on what is actually going on in the
has actually taken. If i set a task to take 4 hours and it-----Original Message-----
I'm struggling to work out how to monitor how long a task
is actually completed in 2 hours how can this be recorded
so that the project end date is brought forward?
Similarly; if the four hour task took 12 hours, other than
being able to see that the task is running late how can
the resource record that it overran by 8 hours, thus
adjusting the end of the project by 8 hours accordingly?