Keeping Word up to date



I have been using Word since version 2 in 1987 (gosh, that's almost 20
years, so I guess I'm still in the right newsgroup ... :). In all that
time, however, I have never downloaded Word updates in the same way as
doing Windows Updates.

Question is: *how* do I do Word (and all the other Office program)


You need to use the new v6 Microsoft Update site which will check for both
Windows and Office updates - though, of course, it won't check for Word 2!

Thanks Terry.

(Ah, yes, Word 2. How simple life was back then. Except that at the time
I was working each week in Belgium, with Word talking to me in French
and with a AZERTY keyboard, then returning home to England at the
weekends to use Word in English with a QWERTY keyboard. Very confusing,
to say the least. It was only at the weekends that I discovered what
Word had been telling me all week! Happy days).

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