Ken Sheridan!!!



I've tried twice to reply to the previous question that I asked....Not
showing up. So here it goes again...a new thread.

First and foremost...THANK YOU!!!! YOU ARE MY HERO!!! I went back through
everything and made sure it was all lined out the way that you had said. It
works! Yeah! One more question....I think this should do it.

Now I am entering my data into the form and subform. I want to query (I
think) to create a report that will show all my jobs and all the employees
that were assigned to it. I tried doing it the way I thought it should be
done. No such luck. It gives me an error message about being unrelated.
Sorry...and thanks again!

Ken Sheridan

There was a problem the other day. I found I'd posted one reply 5 times!

Sorry for the delay in replying; I've only just spotted your post.

The report shouldn't be difficult. Firstly join the three tables in a
query; Jobs to Assignments on JobID, and Assignments to Employees on
EmployeeID. Add whatever fields you want to show in the report from Jobs and
Assignments to the query design grid; you can include as few or as many of
the available fields as you wish. When you open the query you should see
multiple rows fro each job and the employees assigned to them.

As you are using the query as the basis fro a report don't sort on any
fields. The report will just ignore this. You do the sorting in the report.

You can use the report wizard to create a report base on the query. Group
it by job so each job will be listed as a group heading with the group of
employees assigned to the job listed below. You don't have to accept
completely what the wizard produces; you can open the report in design view
at any time and amend its design.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


Once again you are my hero!!! Everything is working absolutely lovely. I
lied though....Got one more I'm wondering if there is a way
to create dummy records. I just want to have a record that has a autonumber
assigned to it, but have the information blank. I want to be able to go back
later and fill in the information. I know it sounds stupid, but I have a
reason (believe it or not)... You are such a wonderful help! Thanks so much
for your patience!

Ken Sheridan

It can be done, but it does require that all columns other than the
autonumber can be Null, i.e. have their Required property False. Now its
very unlikely that all columns should legitimately be Null, so it does
potentially undermine the integrity of the database. If you are prepared to
accept this then you can do it manually simply by entering something into one
of the non-key columns, and then delete what you've entered. As soon as you
start to enter data the autonumber value will be generated. If you want to
automate it you can do so by running the following 'append' query which
inserts a row with the highest existing value in the autonumber column + 1:

INSERT INTO YourTable (YourAutonumberColumn)
SELECT MAX(YourAutonumberColumn)+1
FROM YourTable;

Now I'd be interested in hearing what this reason is. It sound like an
Irish reason to me<G>.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


Are you ready for this? It's purely for displaying purposes. There may be a
better way to do this. Maybe you can enlighten me. I am showing the borders
on my report. So my information is enclosed in boxes. The very reason for
my report is to act as a "worksheet". I will fill in the job information and
print it out (leaving some boxes empty). After jobs have been completed, the
foreman will fill in the boxes by hand with completed date and employees that
were on that job. He will then hand me back the "worksheet" and I will do my
data entry off of his handwritten work and produce an updated report of work
that has not been completed. I tried just drawing lines to create boxes on
the report, but it doesn't close the boxes I create. It separates the lines
like rows. Any ideas? Not really an Irish reason huh? More of a "fashion" What can I say? I'm a girl. Thanks Ken!

Ken Sheridan

Mmmm! Speaking as someone who comes from a long and unbroken line of Mayo
bogtrotters it still sounds pretty Irish to me!

You can place vertical lines and boxes from the toolbox on a report provided
its sections and controls are fixed size, i.e. their CanGrow properties are
False. Otherwise you have to draw the lines at runtime using the Line
method. It quite tricky, however, so you might be better sticking with the
'Irish' way.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


I was afraid of that. I started doing it that way. (empty records). But, I
can only get one of the rows to show up on the report. I have 5 empty
records that have autonumbers assigned to them, but only one of them is
showing up...and it's showing up on the top of the report instead of the

Ken Sheridan

As far as the number of records showing in the report is concerned that's
governed by its RecordSource, which is normally a query, so the first thing
to check is what rows are being returned by the query, which you can do by
opening it in datasheet view.

As for the position of the data in the report that's governed by its design,
so you need to take a fresh look at the report in design view if things are
not being printed in the correct position to see if you can identify why its
not positioning the data as you want.

I can't be any more specific than that I'm afraid without having sight of
the file itself.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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