-----Original Message-----
How may I retreive the product key code I entered at installation of Office?
The OS is easy, I just have to look at the sticker on the side of the case.
Hello/ This is the first time I've ever visited a
newsgroup, I'm trying to solve my own problem and I had
just been searching for my own product key also(so you
were lucky I noticed your query).
Your Product ID (PID) for office xp (or any other version
I think!)can be located by taking the following steps:
Open an Office product; Word, Excel, Etc. From the menu,at
top, select "Help" and choose "About Microsoft Word" or
Excel etc. It will display your product i.d.key. If you
have any problem in solving this problem you can e-mail me
at the above address by removing the bit in brackets
(removethis). This is only there to stop e-mail robots
from sending me lots of "spam". John.