Key Word in Context (KWIC) Add-In


Kenneth James

Is anyone aware of an add-in that will read .one files and generate a key
word in context index. A "Key-Word In Context" can be described as a form of
concordance where each word (excluding "the's," "and's," etc) is shown with a
certain amount of context, often presented with the key word in the centre of
the page with the preceeding words and trailing words identified. The
keywords are sorted in alphabetical order. Usually there is a notation
indicatnig the soruce document name and line number for that key word
displayed as well. It would be wonderful if the user could select any/all or
any subset of existing pages witin the Notebook to be searched.

My first real computer (Radio Shack Model II, with Scripsit wordprocessing
back in 1982) had this function and I have been deprived ever since!

In my opinion, this would be a fantastic bit of added functionality to
something like MS OneNote or to a third-party add-in.


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