Keyboard Lovers: try Control + G and the up down keys - Tab Key too :)


[Descapa]Another favorite shortcut: Ctrl-G
I am a keyboard fan, I detest using the mouse and I always try and key
my hands @ the home keys @ all points since it is so much faster. That
being said I wanted to mention on my favourite shortcut keys: Ctrl-G
which brings focus to the navigation bar in OneNote (that thing on the
far left hand side). Many times I will want to move from my general
work notebook (my 1st notebook open) to the OneNote 14 planning
notebook (the 4th notebook I have open). Most people would get the
mouse and click on the notebook and then click around some more. I
will just hit Ctrl-G, down arrow a few time and then enter.

It works great![/Descapa]

Control +G get you to the "First Notebook" (or maybe better call the
TopMost Notebook. I thought it might be better to bring the user to
the most recently used Notebook, but anyway.

Another Pearl: when at the end of your First Notebook, hit Tab ... and
then you can go to the Next Notebook :)

Other suggestions: Control + up/down keys to move from NoteBook to


I've just noticed.
There are two scenarios.

(1) The Navigation Bar is minimized
(2) The Navigation Bar is fully opened.

FYI, I'd like a keyboard shortcut to go from (1) to (2) and I'd
suggest the right arrow button for that :)

Descapa was mostly talking about when the Navigation Bar is
minimized. My Tab button is needed when the Navigation Bar is
Maximized (Fully Open).


I've just noticed.
There are two scenarios.

(1) The Navigation Bar is minimized
(2) The Navigation Bar is fully opened.

FYI, I'd like a keyboard shortcut to go from (1) to (2) and I'd
suggest the right arrow button for that :)

Descapa was mostly talking about when the Navigation Bar is
minimized. My Tab button is needed when the Navigation Bar is
Maximized (Fully Open).

OMG there is alot of Keyboard shortcuts for Office 2007.

Daniel Escapa [MS]

Control +G get you to the "First Notebook" (or maybe better call the
TopMost Notebook. I thought it might be better to bring the user to
the most recently used Notebook, but anyway.

It brings focus to the notebook icon for the notebook that you are currently
viewing. Go to another notebook and hit Ctrl-G, it will not go to the
topmost. Atleast for me with my RTM version of ON2007. said:
[Descapa]Another favorite shortcut: Ctrl-G
I am a keyboard fan, I detest using the mouse and I always try and key
my hands @ the home keys @ all points since it is so much faster. That
being said I wanted to mention on my favourite shortcut keys: Ctrl-G
which brings focus to the navigation bar in OneNote (that thing on the
far left hand side). Many times I will want to move from my general
work notebook (my 1st notebook open) to the OneNote 14 planning
notebook (the 4th notebook I have open). Most people would get the
mouse and click on the notebook and then click around some more. I
will just hit Ctrl-G, down arrow a few time and then enter.

It works great![/Descapa]

Control +G get you to the "First Notebook" (or maybe better call the
TopMost Notebook. I thought it might be better to bring the user to
the most recently used Notebook, but anyway.

Another Pearl: when at the end of your First Notebook, hit Tab ... and
then you can go to the Next Notebook :)

Other suggestions: Control + up/down keys to move from NoteBook to

Daniel Escapa [MS]

All the keyboard shortcuts from ON2003 + new ones for 2007.

We are _very_ keyboard friendly on the team, enabling power users, heck I
detest the mouse so I never want to move my hands off the keyboard.

Please share other top keyboard options that you like or wish were around.


Daniel said:
We are _very_ keyboard friendly on the team, enabling power users, heck
I detest the mouse so I never want to move my hands off the keyboard.

So now I have to ask - how prevalent are pens for input with the team?
Any discussions as to gesture support (which I guess would roughly
translate to a hot key for a pen user).

I will say Pen usage has really improved in 2007, seemingly borrowing
some good things from Journal.

xTenn said:
How so ... give us your review.

Not sure if it warrants a full-on review, but a quick comparison of pen
response between ON 2003 and ON 2007 seems to have less in common than
ON 2007 compared with Journal - and IMHO that is a good thing, given how
well Journal has always worked with a pen.

Not to mention the inclusion of the lasso in ON 2007, which again
compares with Journal.

ON is really coming into its own, I do believe. This kind of growth in
a sophomore product is a great indication of a product that you can
commit to use. Just hope the developers remember the limitations of
some tablet hardware. As it is I would still suggest that a pen user
turn off automatic ocr of pasted or clipped pictures - otherwise pen
smoothness can suffer after a graphic insertion for a few moments. Not
bad, but it is noticeable. With it off it works much better, and
hopefully such things will remain optional. Pen response is crucial,
and so far so good.

..02, but you did ask... ;)

Daniel Escapa [MS]

Ink + pen is also used by many people on the team.

Of those of us who have laptops they are 95% Tablet from a variety of
manufactures. I use both on a daily basis and you can see the improvements
of ink in this release because of this heavy ink usage on the team.


Daniel said:
Ink + pen is also used by many people on the team.

Of those of us who have laptops they are 95% Tablet from a variety of
manufactures. I use both on a daily basis and you can see the
improvements of ink in this release because of this heavy ink usage on
the team.

I suspected as much - keep up the good work. ;)

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