Ingrid McKenzie
I'm used to using the Windows version of Word and even tho' I'm a long
time mac user have never figured out how to navigate around dialog
boxes in same easy way as the alt-whatever in Windows where the
appropriate letter is underlined. Even using tab to move on to the
next control doesn't seem to work in all dialog boxes eg style
pallette>modify style box. And is there an easier way than trying
command-everything from A-Z to work out how to select a radio button
or checkbox eg in Format>Paragraph>Line and Page breaks?
Can someone out there put me out of my misery?
time mac user have never figured out how to navigate around dialog
boxes in same easy way as the alt-whatever in Windows where the
appropriate letter is underlined. Even using tab to move on to the
next control doesn't seem to work in all dialog boxes eg style
pallette>modify style box. And is there an easier way than trying
command-everything from A-Z to work out how to select a radio button
or checkbox eg in Format>Paragraph>Line and Page breaks?
Can someone out there put me out of my misery?