keyboard short cut for inserting rows/columns in Excel for Mac OSX


Joyce C

Does anyone know of a way to create custom keyboard short cut for inserting rows/columns in Excel for Mac OSX? - I've tried using the custom keyboard option under Tools - but when I enter a new short cut - it just kicks me back to the first "Customize" dialog box without accepting the change. Does this version of office forbid a short cut for that function

Does anyone know WHY Microsoft would have removed the keyboard shortcuts for this function in the first place... it had to have been one of the most commonly used short cuts they had....???

Help! - hand aching from too much mouse use alread


Ron de Bruin

Hi Joyce

In Windows you can use Ctrl - or Ctrl +
You must use the - and + on the numeric keyboard

I don't know if this is working on a Mac

Regards Ron de Bruin
(Win XP Pro SP-1 XL2002 SP-2)

Joyce C said:
Does anyone know of a way to create custom keyboard short cut for inserting rows/columns in Excel for Mac OSX? - I've tried
using the custom keyboard option under Tools - but when I enter a new short cut - it just kicks me back to the first "Customize"
dialog box without accepting the change. Does this version of office forbid a short cut for that function?
Does anyone know WHY Microsoft would have removed the keyboard shortcuts for this function in the first place... it had to
have been one of the most commonly used short cuts they had....???

Joyce C

Ron, you're a genius! That combo works on Mac too - hallelujah

Thanks so much


Ron de Bruin


Did you notice that If you select the whole Column or row you don't get the Insert /Delete dialog

Joyce C

Sorry for that blank reply - aching hand accidently hit the enter key while going for the mouse.

Yes, I did - Actually, this was always a feature for all the older versions of Mac Excel. I guess Mircosoft adopted a Windows flavor when they redid Mac version - unfortunately Mac users don't use the control key in the way the PC users do (we use the command/apple key). Conversion happened and no more short cut! Sad thing is - they don't even show this short cut as a currently assigned keyboard short cut in the "customize" area - nor do they mention it in their help file.

I just shared this short cut revelation with our accounting department. They broke out into song.



Record a macro in VB that does any function or string of
functions you want. Go to tools, macro, record new macro,
assign shortcut you want (control + a for example), click
OK, then select the row or column you want to delete,
right click and select delete, then click stop recording
(either from the popup box right button or from tools,
macro, stop recording. You are all set.
-----Original Message-----
Does anyone know of a way to create custom keyboard short
cut for inserting rows/columns in Excel for Mac OSX? -
I've tried using the custom keyboard option under Tools -
but when I enter a new short cut - it just kicks me back
to the first "Customize" dialog box without accepting the
change. Does this version of office forbid a short cut for
that function?
Does anyone know WHY Microsoft would have removed the
keyboard shortcuts for this function in the first place...
it had to have been one of the most commonly used short
cuts they had....???

J.E. McGimpsey

Joyce C said:
Does anyone know of a way to create custom keyboard short cut for inserting
rows/columns in Excel for Mac OSX? - I've tried using the custom keyboard
option under Tools - but when I enter a new short cut - it just kicks me back
to the first "Customize" dialog box without accepting the change. Does this
version of office forbid a short cut for that function?

Type CTRL-I. When the dialog pops up, type "e" to insert a row, or
"n" to insert a column.

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