Keyboard Shortcut customization problems and Endnote


Dayo Mitchell

Word 2001, OS 9.2.2
Problem, Process, and Solution, just FYI for the archives....
Endnote caused a glitch with Keyboard Shortcuts that I don't feel I've seen
documented anywhere.

(long explanation)

I've installed Office 2001 four times (over a year, since I bought it), and
every single time my Tools | Customize | Keyboard menu has eventually
decided to go crazy. It won't let me enter keyboard shortcuts, so I exit
out. Then Tools | Customize won't register anything, won't let me click
Okay to exit, until I have switched to another program and back to Word.
Tools | Customize works fine so long as I avoid the Keyboard menu.

I've done a remove and reinstall every time since the first. The problem
doesn't always show up right away, and not always to the same degree. In
previous incarnations, I did try renaming Normal and the Word Settings File,
with no result.

Now, on the third install, I forgot to install the Value Pack, and the
problem appeared directly after I had installed some things from the Value
Pack without rebooting with extensions off. So I thought I had found the
cause, since I'm generally too lazy to reboot when I install stuff. Did a
remove and reinstalled 2001, stuff from Value Pack, Office Manager, and the
Combined Updater, all with extensions off. All behaved properly.

A few weeks later, the problem has returned! Luckily I have already entered
the most important keyboard shortcuts, but I can't create any more. Does
anyone have any idea what might cause this? Could my bargain academic
version be faulty? Might some other program be causing a conflict?


So, in experimenting before I bothered other people with this, I decided to
see if I could add commands in my shiny new Global template, just in case
that made a difference. While in the Word Startup folder, I noticed the
Endnote Cite While You Write add-ins, which I had just installed recently.
Said, hmmm, maybe they are causing a problem.

Apparently, yes. I took them out, (tried to restart Word but it crashed
every time I clicked on the Tools menu, then Finder quit, so restarted the
computer, not real sure what was going on there) and restarted Word, and
successfully entered a keyboard shortcut. This makes perfect sense with the
irregular appearance of the problem, since I generally only bother to
reinstall Endnote CWYW when I need it, as opposed to making it part of my
Office installation process. I probably did reinstall it when I remembered
to install the Value Pack in the example above.

Luckily this is relatively easy to work around, since I don't use either
CWYW or the ability to create a keyboard shortcut every day. It's also
another excellent reason to keep my keyboard shortcuts in a Global template
in the Startup folder instead of having to recreate them with every
reinstall, although there aren't that many.

But it's still rather annoying, and I am seriously chagrined that it took me
a year to catch on!

This is Endnote 5, by the way, the last Endnote version for OS 9 and below.
I'm quite positive this problem never appeared with Office 98 and Endnote
3.1.3, but if I remember correctly, it first appeared with a combination of
Office 2001 and Endnote 3.1.3. I believe it has happened both with manual
installation of CWYW and installing the entire Endnote program, not that I
see how that could make a difference. I think I'll complain to Endnote,
although of course they will do nothing because both Office 2001 and Endnote
5 are no longer being developed.


Clive Huggan

Hello Dayo,

Good to see this for the archives, as you say -- and an example of the sort
of detail that should preferably be provided by question-posers to whom you,
and others, give so many good answers.

I don't use EndNote, but I have casually read previous posts about it, and
seem to recall John McGhie saying the "Cite while you write" feature was
particularly problematic. Anyone wanting more info could Google it.

-- Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
* Remove "the" from my address above if you need to send an e-mail to me
directly (although that would be exceptional). Please note that e-mails
with an attachment will be automatically rejected.


Dayo Mitchell

Hey Clive,

Yeah, and as I read about all those Endnote problems, which I pay attention
to since I do use Endnote, I was smugly thinking, "Endnote CWYW is fine
unless I go to OS's never given *me* any problems!" Plus it kinda
ruins my faith that Word 11 and Endnote 8 will be problem-free, since
clearly compatibility isn't just a matter of time.

Maybe next time I am bored and on an ethernet connection, I will Google to
see if this issue already came up, although a lot of people I know who use
Endnote aren't as much into customizing as they should be....


John McGhie

Hi Dayo:

I think it's fair to begin adopting a warm fuzzy feeling about the likely
performance of EndNote 7 (note "Seven" in Word 11 (note: 'eleven'). By that
time, both companies just might have got things working.


Dayo Mitchell

Hi John,
Thanks for the reassurance and suggestion that the latest version of Endnote
was developed in conjunction with Word 11...Luckily I can't afford a
powerful enough computer to run X right now anyhow and have time to wait on
them to straighten it all out. :)


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