Keyboard shortcut for Paste Special-Values



I find myself using "Paste Special - Values" a ton, a keyboard shortcut for
this function would be fabulous.

I'd also like to see a keyboard short cut for "Paste Special" in powerpoint
to drop spreadsheets and graphs in as pictures.

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M Kan

You can use the ALT shortcuts too. Paste Special Values is ALT+E,S,V

This works for both PowerPoint and Word.



You can add "Paste Values" to your toolbar.

Right click in the toolbar and choose "Customize".

Under the <Commands> tab,
in the left window, click on "Edit".

In the right window, scroll down until you see:
"Paste Values" (clipboard icon with a 12 on it).

Then click on it and drag to your toolbar.


Perhaps an addition would be the ability to assign meaning to an open hot
key, example ctrl-alt-shift-v might mean past values in Excel.

The ctrl-alt-v does indeed bring up the past special dialog box in excel
2007 and is quite useful.


Perhaps an addition would be the ability to assign meaning to an ope
key, example ctrl-alt-shift-v might mean past values in Excel.

The ctrl-alt-v does indeed bring up the past special dialog box i excel
2007 and is quite useful.

Easier for one hand:
Alt+e, then s,v,Enter

Apart from that, you can; create this macro:

VBA Code:

Sub Macro5()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub


then in the- Macros|View Macros- dialogue box, select it, click option
and assign it the hot key combination you want. Works here.

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