Keyboard Shortcut to Change Font Ink Color?



I do a lot of typing and I need to change the color of the ink back
and forth. I am looking for a keyboard short cut that would allow me
to select a different font color quickly. It doesn't seem like this
exists in OneNote? If not, does anyone have any suggestions for a
third-party app that might do this? Thanks!


Keyborad short cut CTRL>SHIFT>F brings up the font menu - you can change
color from there. There is also a button on the formatting tool bar at the
top of the scren that allows you to highlight the text you want to change,
and change the color quickly and easily.


Keyborad short cut CTRL>SHIFT>F brings up the font menu - you can change
color from there.  There is also a button on the formatting tool bar atthe
top of the scren that allows you to highlight the text you want to change,
and change the color quickly and easily.  

- Show quoted text -

Thanks! I definately knew about both of those, but with the frequency
that I change fonts for my job, I need something faster, believe it or
not. Something like ctrl+shift+r to change to red, and so forth. I
assume there is no wasy to create a custom keyboard shortcut like
that? I found the AutoHotKey scripting language that allows you to
create a hotkey for any menu item here:

unforutnately, it looks to me like pressing ctl-shift-f just brings up
the font bar on the right, and there is no other menu from there where
you can change the color of the font, so it looks like I am out of
luck again. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

John Guin [msft]

It would be flaky, but you could possibly cobble up an autohotkey script to
do this:
1. select the text you want to change
2. open the format | font menu (CTRL+D)
3. press F6 to move focus to the font pane
4. press tab to go to the font color button
5. (here's where it gets really flaky) go right to the font color dropdown
and open it
6. navigate to the color (will vary script to script) and press ENTER

you could conceivably do this once for each color you want.

Let me know how it goes! If you get it working, post it somewhere as well.
Jordan Knight wrote a great script here:
and I cross posted it here:

It would be great to see more of these get developed!


Well, I got it going. AutoHotKey is really cool! I have never used
it before, but downloaded it today and had an .exe file created by
around 11:00 that allows me to change font colors on the fly between
red, green, blue and black. My only concern is that it is based on
keystrokes, so if other users don't have their toolbars set up exactly
like I do it won't work properly.

I gave it to my associate to have him install it and give it a try,
and after I figure out if it works for other users, and can document
how you need to have the toolbars set up, I will post it for anyone
who wants it.

By the way, I am an accountant, not a programmer (other than basic and
pascal about 20 years ago in high school and college), so that should
be a testimony to how easy and cool AutoHotKey is.

If you want it now regardless of how tested it is, just let me know.

John Guin [msft]

I'd like to see them! Feel free to send them to me (you can email me from my
blog) and I can even post them there if you want.

Just let me know.

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