[Word 2000]
To assign a shortcut key to an existing macro, do the following:
On the File menu, click New, select the template that contains the macro in
question and click OK
On the Tools menu, click Customize
Select the Commands tab
Click Keyboard
Under Categories, scroll down and click Macros
In the Save changes in pull-down list, select the template that contains the
macro in question
Under Macros you'll see a list of the macros in that template
Under Macros, select the macro that you want to assign the shortcut key to
Click in the Press new shortcut key box
Press the desired key combination (for example, Ctrl+Shift+G)
Click Assign
Click Close and then click Close again
When you quit Word you *may* be prompted "Do you want to save the changes
you made to XXX.dot?"
Click Yes
The next time you open a document based on the template containing the macro
in question, you'll be able to run the macro by pressing the shortcut key