Keyboard Viewer not cooperating.



Hi, I notice in some older posts that other people have had problems
with using Greek in Word 2004. But couldn't find anything about the
hassle I've been having.

When operating in Word 2004 on my iMac Intel (10.4.6), the Keyboard
Viewer seems stuck in (U.S.) format, even though I don't have a the
U.S. layout selected.

So, whether I select Australian English or Greek from the Input Menu,
the Keyboard Viewer still shows the U.S. keyboard. This is not a
problem when operating in English, but when I need to insert Greek
words in a text, it becomes a right pain. With Greek selected in the
Input Menu, my keyboard types Greek (in which ever font is associated
with the English font I am using), but I can't check where the Greek
letters are, because the viewer won't change from U.S. I have a
work-around; when I click out of the document (desktop or wherever),
the viewer's label changes to Keyboard Viewer (Greek), and the Greek
alphabet becomes visible - memorise where the next few letters are,
click back in the Word document, enter them and repeat the process
until the Greek entry is complete. Tedious!!

Does anyone have a solution? It has functioned properly previously ...
I think the problem has only arisen since upgrading from 10.4.4 to
10.4.6 (but I'm not sure of that)

All contributions gratefully received.

Paul Berkowitz

Hi, I notice in some older posts that other people have had problems
with using Greek in Word 2004. But couldn't find anything about the
hassle I've been having.

When operating in Word 2004 on my iMac Intel (10.4.6), the Keyboard
Viewer seems stuck in (U.S.) format, even though I don't have a the
U.S. layout selected.

So, whether I select Australian English or Greek from the Input Menu,
the Keyboard Viewer still shows the U.S. keyboard. This is not a
problem when operating in English, but when I need to insert Greek
words in a text, it becomes a right pain. With Greek selected in the
Input Menu, my keyboard types Greek (in which ever font is associated
with the English font I am using), but I can't check where the Greek
letters are, because the viewer won't change from U.S. I have a
work-around; when I click out of the document (desktop or wherever),
the viewer's label changes to Keyboard Viewer (Greek), and the Greek
alphabet becomes visible - memorise where the next few letters are,
click back in the Word document, enter them and repeat the process
until the Greek entry is complete. Tedious!!

Does anyone have a solution? It has functioned properly previously ...
I think the problem has only arisen since upgrading from 10.4.4 to
10.4.6 (but I'm not sure of that)

All contributions gratefully received.

That's not normal, it's not a bug in 10.4.6 - unless there's something
peculiar about MacIntel 10.4.6, I suppose (very unlikely, but theoretically
possible). I have OS 10.4.6 PPC, and with the Keyboard Viewer showing - in
Word as in every other app - switching the Input menu to Greek, or Greek
Polytonic, or Russian, or anything - changes the Keyboard Viewer to the
appropriate keyboard input alphabet. It has nothing to do with Word either.
You must have some corrupted preferences file somewhere, but I don't know
which one controls this.

First of all - what happens in other text applications? What happens in
TextEdit? If the Keyboard Viewer works properly there, as a temporary
workaround, just do your typing in TextEdit, then copy and paste in Word and
adjust formatting as needed. Also try replacing from ~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/. If it
doesn't, it's pretty obvious that the problem and the Preferences file is
outside Word - try removing from

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <>

Please "Reply To Newsgroup" to reply to this message. Emails will be

PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions


Thanks Paul.

I've no idea what's up. I tried all that you suggested (even
restarting between file removals) and the problem still remains.

When, for instance I was in TextEdit, the keyboard viewer displayed the
Greek, but as soon as I opened Word (while leaving TE open),the viewer
changed to U.S. Indeed, the Keyboard Viewer behaves as it should so
long as the focus is not in Word - that is to say Word can be open but
another program selected, and all is well; click back into Word and the
viewer changes immediately.

I suppose I could try erasing all reference to Word ( or even
Microsoft) and reinstalling the Office suite, but what a pain. Nah,
think I'll settle for the work-around you suggested; it's actually
quite neat - and I don't type that much Greek really.

Paul Berkowitz

Thanks Paul.

I've no idea what's up. I tried all that you suggested (even
restarting between file removals) and the problem still remains.

When, for instance I was in TextEdit, the keyboard viewer displayed the
Greek, but as soon as I opened Word (while leaving TE open),the viewer
changed to U.S. Indeed, the Keyboard Viewer behaves as it should so
long as the focus is not in Word - that is to say Word can be open but
another program selected, and all is well; click back into Word and the
viewer changes immediately.

I suppose I could try erasing all reference to Word ( or even
Microsoft) and reinstalling the Office suite, but what a pain. Nah,
think I'll settle for the work-around you suggested; it's actually
quite neat - and I don't type that much Greek really.

Try removing ~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/
and restarting Word (or the whole Microsoft folder in Preferences).

If still no good, then yes, run Office Remover in the Additional Tools
folder of /Applications/Microsoft Office 2004 folder. (It won't touch your
data, including Entourage database.) The empty the Trash. Then reinstall
Office 2004 from the CD. That should fix it.

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <>

Please "Reply To Newsgroup" to reply to this message. Emails will be

PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions


Paul many thanks for your advice: ...removing
and restarting Word (or the whole Microsoft folder in Preferences)...
didn't fix it. When I've got a spare moment I'll chuck it all out and
start again, but for the time being the Text Edit ideas works very well
- I've been using it quite a lot in preparing my assignment which is
due next week.

Got to run.
Thanks once again.

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