


Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: intel

How do I permanently turnoff capslock key on my keyboard (so that I never inadvertently type in capital letters)?

How do I reset my F9 (speedkey at the top of my keyboard)?

Daiya Mitchell

These are not issues controlled by Word, actually.

I don't know what you mean by "speedkey". If you don't want F9 to
trigger Expose, use System Preferences to set a different trigger. You
can assign F9 to a Word function in Word, but it won't override a system

You can't re-assign CapsLock in Word's Tools | Customize Keyboard. You
might ask the Apple forums if you can do anything--there may be a
third-party utility that will let you tweak that. But that's the sort of
change you have to make at a deeper level than Word.

If you do accidentally type in all caps, you can use Format | Change
Case in Word to quickly fix it.

Elliott Roper

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: intel

How do I permanently turnoff capslock key on my keyboard (so that I never
inadvertently type in capital letters)?

How do I reset my F9 (speedkey at the top of my keyboard)?

Adding to What Daiya has already said:
Both of these changes are done at the Mac OS level. I think the exact
recipe changed with Leopard, but you can do the same in Tiger at least.
Here it is for the spotted one:

Caps Lock disabler:
System Preferences È Keyboard and Mouse È Keyboard È Modifier Keys...
where you fiddle to your heart's content. On my PowerBook I turned caps
lock into another Control key. On the Pro, I chose yet another Option
key. All to minimise pinky-curl when editing in emacs. You can't have
too many control and meta keys in emacs! [1]

Get F9 back for Word:
More or less similar...
System Preferences È Keyboard and Mouse È Keyboard Shortcuts
Just fiddle anything you want for Word to something else. Word will
grab it if the system has not grabbed it first. Sorry for the lack of
detail. I can't remember what the default shortcuts are. I seem to be
in permanent battle with the OS over keyboard shortcuts. Not just Word,
but Final Cut, Aperture, and a bunch of others.
Driving everything with keyboard shortcuts is *very* addictive. I have
lately resorted to disabling the trackpad on the Powerbook to stop
accidental touches bouncing the insertion point to a silly place.
System Preferences È Universal Access È Mouse È Mouse Keys È On
with 'press option key 5 times etc. checked, as well the disable
trackpad when mouse keys active.

1. I'm learning emacs, TeX and InDesign while I wait for Office to
become usable again. Well, I'm sticking with 2004 till if or when we
get recordable macros that are compatible with VBA back.

Clive Huggan

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: intel

How do I permanently turnoff capslock key on my keyboard (so that I never
inadvertently type in capital letters)?

How do I reset my F9 (speedkey at the top of my keyboard)?

Adding to What Daiya has already said:
Both of these changes are done at the Mac OS level. I think the exact
recipe changed with Leopard, but you can do the same in Tiger at least.
Here it is for the spotted one:

Caps Lock disabler:
System Preferences » Keyboard and Mouse » Keyboard » Modifier Keys...
where you fiddle to your heart's content. On my PowerBook I turned caps
lock into another Control key. On the Pro, I chose yet another Option
key. All to minimise pinky-curl when editing in emacs. You can't have
too many control and meta keys in emacs! [1]

Get F9 back for Word:
More or less similar...
System Preferences » Keyboard and Mouse » Keyboard Shortcuts
Just fiddle anything you want for Word to something else. Word will
grab it if the system has not grabbed it first. Sorry for the lack of
detail. I can't remember what the default shortcuts are. I seem to be
in permanent battle with the OS over keyboard shortcuts. Not just Word,
but Final Cut, Aperture, and a bunch of others.
Driving everything with keyboard shortcuts is *very* addictive. I have
lately resorted to disabling the trackpad on the Powerbook to stop
accidental touches bouncing the insertion point to a silly place.
System Preferences » Universal Access » Mouse » Mouse Keys » On
with 'press option key 5 times etc. checked, as well the disable
trackpad when mouse keys active.

1. I'm learning emacs, TeX and InDesign while I wait for Office to
become usable again. Well, I'm sticking with 2004 till if or when we
get recordable macros that are compatible with VBA back.

Onyer, cobber!


Elliott Roper

Donald Stidwell said:
I can't resist asking what this bit of "Aussie speak" means! :)
It's short for goodonyer

I think he's encouraging me to stir it a bit.

Donald Stidwell

Sure. First: do you want it in international English or US English? :)


Well, since Prof. Henry Higgins has declared that Americans haven't spoken
English in years, perhaps it'd be best in International! :)

Don (an American who isn't quite sure what language he speaks now).

John McGhie

Hi Don:

Ignore the cavilling of the chattering classes :)

Having recently returned to Sydney from Guangdong, I can assure you that a
new and improved version of English is available to simplify this entire

All those messy conjunctions and verbs have been removed: much more


Well, since Prof. Henry Higgins has declared that Americans haven't spoken
English in years, perhaps it'd be best in International! :)

Don (an American who isn't quite sure what language he speaks now).

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

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