keyword search in query using like function



I have a query that allows for a keyword search in one criteria using the
following formula:

Like "*" & [forms]![frmSearchByVenue]![ThisValue1] & "*"

My question is can I use the same criteria, include ThisValue1, in another
field in the query? Thus if the keyword was a city name, it would be picked
up by the City Field, but if they keyword was a word in a contract provision,
it would be picked up by that field? I know that if I have ThisValue1,
ThisValue2, etc, I could do this, but I only want one field on my form.



Yes. OPen the query in design view and copy the criteria from the current
position to a different criteria row under the new field.
By placing it on a different row it is now or'd so that it will pull record
if the criteria is met in either field.

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