Kill Excel Process


Mike Moore

Could anyone provide ideas on how to kill an excel process? In our VB 6.0
app we populate data from MS Access to an MS Excel worksheet. If you look in
task manager you could see the excel processes running in the background.
Also, how could we identify which excel process to kill? Especially in the
case where a user is working on an ms excel worksheet and then generates one
from our app. We don't want to kill the one the user is working on. Only
the one we create from the app.

Bob Phillips

Don't create another one, use the one that is there if there is one. If you
create anew, then kill it.

Something along the lines of

Dim xlApp As Object
Dim fCreated As Boolea n

On Error Resum Next
Set xlApp = GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
If xlApp Is Nothing Then
Set xlApp = CreatObject("Excel.Application")
If xlApp Is Nothin g Then
Exit Sub
fCreated = True
End If
End If

'do your stuff

If fCreated Then
End If



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Bob Phillips

The other thing I should have said is that if you create an application
object for the Excel App that you create, you can just quit that




(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Fredrik Wahlgren

Mike Moore said:
Could anyone provide ideas on how to kill an excel process? In our VB 6.0
app we populate data from MS Access to an MS Excel worksheet. If you look in
task manager you could see the excel processes running in the background.
Also, how could we identify which excel process to kill? Especially in the
case where a user is working on an ms excel worksheet and then generates one
from our app. We don't want to kill the one the user is working on. Only
the one we create from the app.


Harald Staff


That depends on how well written the code is. If Excel asks to save changes
or not, or something else that she may ask on quit, then it needs user
interaction. And if xlApp.Visible = True is not part of the show, then the
question will remain invisible and unanswered and the process will not be

Best wishes Harald

Bob Phillips

Hi Harald,

Bob's the name :).

I have also seen mentioned, though not experienced it myself, that having
the app visible sometimes leads to the Quit not working (this may be in a
..Net environment now that I say it). The suggestion here was to make not
visible before the quit.


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