killing accents sos




I'm working on a French system with Excel and text files
I copy and paste from and to text files opened from within excel

If I "paste" a value from the text file into excel like this :
range("a1").value =
then i loose the accents (they're actually transformed like "é" in "Ú"
(providing you can read this)

If I paste something i got from the texte file using selection.copy
then it gets through.

More curious,
if I make my selection (from Excel to Txt this time) like this
with sheets(...)
and then paste PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
I also loose accents

while a
will keep the accents !

Any idea how i could always keep those damned accents ?


it must be some sort of weird codepage problem..

have you tried following syntax?
Range(text!a1:a4).copy Range(sheet!b3:b7)

else maybe you need to save the opened text file as a
(temporary) excel file first?

or convert the text file from the codepage to unicode?
there wasa nice post recently from michel pierron
on how to use ado to do this for you, needs a bit of adapting..

google groups on : stream utf group:*excel*

| | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

Philippe wrote :

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