Hi there
Am trying to set up a database to record our client documentation, eg
contracts, suport &maintenance agreements etc. Any one client may have
multiple projects with differing paperwork, purchase orders, with some being
billed straight away and others billed at a set time in the future. I would
like to be able to run reports on clients with missing paperwork, due billing
dates etc
Does anyone have a database template that I might be able to use/adapt?
Am trying to set up a database to record our client documentation, eg
contracts, suport &maintenance agreements etc. Any one client may have
multiple projects with differing paperwork, purchase orders, with some being
billed straight away and others billed at a set time in the future. I would
like to be able to run reports on clients with missing paperwork, due billing
dates etc
Does anyone have a database template that I might be able to use/adapt?