Korean font question



Someone iin our company has korean font installed and typing the email in
korean. When the other side gets it , it is all displayed as ???? (question
mark). Any idea is much appericiated. Thank You

Roady [MVP]

The font must be installed on the receiving end as well

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data


Thank You. I should have been more clear. The user here has Korean input
system (IME) installed. I believe same answer applies anyway. The other side
has to have same input system to read the email. Am I correct.

Roady [MVP]

Yep, by default an English based OS (and many others) have no support for

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

Pat Willener

1) The message needs to be encoded correctly before being sent, either
in Unicode UTF-8, or in Korean. If encoded as Unicode, then the
recipient(s) do not need any additional fonts; if Korean, then the
recipient(s) also need Korean fonts installed.

2) If the recipients' message is downloaded to a PST file, then this
file must be a Outlook 2003 style, Unicode enabled file. Otherwise
Subject, and possibly body text may display as garbage.

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