Korean proofing tool?



I have a problem of Korean proofing tool in Word 2004. Even though I
did not use any of Korean text in the document, Compatibility Report
keeps complaining that "Korean proofing tools are not installed".
Explanation says "This documents contains Korean text. Word cannot
check spelling and grammar on Korean text unless the Korean proofing
tools are installed."

My first thought was, well, I would install Korean proofing tool. And
it was not that easy. It seems that Microsoft has not yet released
Korean proofing tool yet, although its Windows version has had it for
long time.

So, here are my two questions. First, is it truly impossible -as for
now-to get the Korean proofing tool for Word 2004 for Mac? Second, if
it is impossible, how can I detect the Korean text in the document? I
guess I have tried everything I knew (including select all, change the
font, copy, and paste in new document), but in vain.

Please help me stop Compatibility Report whining!!!

Daiya Mitchell

I don't think changing the font will do anything. There's no Korean
proofing tool for the Mac (all Mac proofing tools come with the Office
installation), but you can find the Korean text.

If the document is all in one language, then select the whole thing, go
to Tools | Language, and set the entire document to English, or whatever
language is in use.

If the document already uses multiple languages, you can do a Find and
Replace to change the Korean text. Edit | Replace, click the blue
triangle to expand the Replace dialog. Put the cursor in Find--leave the
box empty, but use the Format menu in the dialog to set the box to
Korean. Put the cursor in the Replace field--leave the box empty, but
use the Format menu in the dialog to set the box to English (or whatever
you want).

Hope that helps.

It doesn't answer your question, but if you want to know a little bit
about how Word does spellchecking, #1 here might help:

I'm not very good with Asian languages, but it is possible that if you
are using a Korean keyboard layout or have Mac OS X set to Korean, that
Word gets confused about how the documents are supposed to be, so if the
above doesn't fix it, more investigation may be necessary.

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