Lab Tutor Schedule


John Wicks

Hello All,

I'm fairly new to excel but I have some programming experience. The problem
I'm having is I need to create a schedule for a tutoring lab at a local
college. I'm attending and tutoring in this lab. The spreadsheet would be for
students so they could look up student tutors and the available times they
are in the lab. The complication comes in when you add in classes they can
tutor and subjects they can tutor. The students need to be able to select
either a tutor by name or by subject or by class and see the available tutors
on the schedule. Schedules don't have to be dynamic from week to week so that
simplifies it somewhat.

I'm using as a starting point the 5-day conference template, just for looks.
I know I need to create a pivot table but I need a little guidance on where
to start.

I can get the list for students tutors and the hours they work but how do I
relate the subjects and the classes to them and display this in one calender.

Thanks for any help...


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