I have a label that is 3x4, 2 across 2 down. I have a divsion, group, subgroup, and members on the label. It
sorts and groups the information correctly, but the members names are spaced far apart - the same as the
label detail size- which is the size of the label. If I change that, the new division does not start on the new
label, but right under the last member. Here is an Example:
Division A
Group A
Subgroup A
Member: Joe Smith
-Blank area-
-Blank area-
-Blank area-
-Blank area-
-Blank area-
-Blank area-
-Blank area
Member: John Smith
Division A
Group B
Subgroup B
Member: MaryJones
I have the labels grouped by Division, Group, Subgroup. I have tried all the settings on Keep together, etc, but I can not seem to get the details (members) to print together as a group and start the next label in the correct spot on the page. There can be from 2 - 12 members. Each additional member starts on a new label until it runs out of memebers, then the next division starts.
I would appreciate any ideas on this.
sorts and groups the information correctly, but the members names are spaced far apart - the same as the
label detail size- which is the size of the label. If I change that, the new division does not start on the new
label, but right under the last member. Here is an Example:
Division A
Group A
Subgroup A
Member: Joe Smith
-Blank area-
-Blank area-
-Blank area-
-Blank area-
-Blank area-
-Blank area-
-Blank area
Member: John Smith
Division A
Group B
Subgroup B
Member: MaryJones
I have the labels grouped by Division, Group, Subgroup. I have tried all the settings on Keep together, etc, but I can not seem to get the details (members) to print together as a group and start the next label in the correct spot on the page. There can be from 2 - 12 members. Each additional member starts on a new label until it runs out of memebers, then the next division starts.
I would appreciate any ideas on this.