label document




I've created a label document from excel using mailmerge. The document
has roughly 5,200 addresses from an avery 5160 label format, which turns
out 30 labels per page, approximately 173 pages. However, at the bottom
of the screen, the entire document is listed as one page, with 173
sections. As I scroll down, the section number changes and not the page
number. The page number remains at page #1. I can print the entire
document, the current page, but the print option "print specific pages"
fails every time, probably i'm guessing, because the document is
considered as one page. Is there a solution? Thanks for any tips.

Graham Mayor

Print by section. In the print pages box enter
s1-s3 to print the first three sections.
Or look in Word Help under 'Print a Document'!
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The document is not considered one page (if the status bar tells you it's
173 pages, then that's how many Word thinks it is). It is considered 173
page 1s, with a Next Page break between. As Graham says, you need to print
using section numbers.

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