Label justification is not constant



When creating a new label, the first two address lines are center justified
and the third line is justified left. How can I correct this?

Terry Farrell

New labels are empty other than a single paragraph that is centre justified
(depending on your version may also be vertically justified). So it has to
be how you are entering the information. You give no indication of how you
are using the labels. Please let us know what you are trying to achieve and
what version of Word you are using.


I am making an ordinary address label. When typing the info it all appears
to be left justified but when printed the top 2 lines are centered and the
3rd is left justified. This is for Office 2007.

Terry Farrell

What does it look like if you switch to Print Preview? My first suspicion
would be to check that you have the latest printer driver, then delete and
reinstall the printer. Let us know if that works or not.

Also let us know the version of Word, what happens if you use a different
font in the labels and if you have any difficulty printing anything else.


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