Label Size for Mail Merge



I am trying to use mail merge in Word 2007 with a label size that is not on
their list. I downloaded a template from Avery, but don't know how to get it
into the labels list in Word. Is there a way to expand the selections in the
options tab of the labels or get the template I want onto that list?

Peter Jamieson

If they sent you a template as a .doc, .dot or ..dotx, docx etc. (Word 2007)
then you should be able to open it and select your data source. You
shouldn't really need to go into the Label Options dialog unless you are
forced to by saying it's a label merge (which you may not have to do).

Otherwise, what you need to do in the Label Options dialog box is
a. click New Label
b. enter all the layout information requested in there, and give the new
label type a name. (At this point you may realise that you haven't the
faintest what all the measurements should be, but my guess is that you will
find them /somewhere/ on the packaging or the Avery site).
c. after that, your layout should be listed under Label vendors:

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