Labels in a drawing sheet


David Blaine


I would like to create a spreadsheet that has a data type input sheet as
sheet one with a drawing (.wmf or tif or jpeg) as sheet two.
What I would like to happen is when a cell is filled in on sheet one a
dimension is then placed on the drawing in the correct place on sheet two.
Iwould like this to happen to a number of cells.
Is this possible any help appreciated


Tom Ogilvy

Possibly using an event macro, but not just using formulas.

Not sure what help you are looking for.

David Blaine

Yea Tom

I am trying to create a user friendly application type sheet that anybody in
our office can enter data on a spreadsheet that creates a standard type
drawing that they can print out without the need for the drawing office
getting involved . This is something that needs to be done quite often.
Can you help


Tom Ogilvy

If you just want to label a diagram that has been previously created on an
Excel spreadsheet using the drawing toolbar, that could be done with
formulas. (You can't edit a .wmf, .jpg, or other type of graphis file. )

It would just be a matter of linking cells between the two sheets I would

I guess the real answer depends on what it is that you actually want to do.

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