labels merge yields 1 label/pg


Mary G

I am using an Excel database to merge to mailing labels
and the wizard only completes the merge with 1 record per
page of 30 labels. It is impossible to preview labels;
they do not show up on the page. There should be 169
records to merge and I get 4.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Mary,
I am using an Excel database to merge to mailing labels
and the wizard only completes the merge with 1 record per
page of 30 labels. It is impossible to preview labels;
they do not show up on the page. There should be 169
records to merge and I get 4.
Since you don't tell us which version of Word is involved,
it's difficult to give you detailed help... But it sounds as
if you're not EXECUTING the mail merge, just looking at the
data preview. You need to perform that last step and "merge
to printer" or "merge to new document"

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Sep
30 2003)

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