Labels not showing


Lara Lopez

When I try to create a mail merge of labels (windows XP)
it follows the normal procedures but when you click
on "update your labels" no data shows in the labels. They
are all still blank. I have tried in several pcs and still
doesn't do it. Is anyone having this problem and if so do
you know why and how to get around it?
Many thanks

Peter Jamieson

If you mean the "Update All labels" button in step 4 of the Mail Merge
Wizard, all it does is to copy whatever is in label1 to all the other labels
and put <<Next record>> in every label except the first. Whether anything is
visible after that depends on what was in label 1 and what display options
are currently in force (if you are seeing <<Next record>> and other things
with <<fieldnames>> then you need to move to the next step ("Preview your

The thing is that Word does not just take the data source and the layout and
add the data to the layout as it sees fit. You do have to add fields either
using the options within "Arrange your labels" or "by hand". Further, you
need to add them while the insertion point is in label 1 - otherwise, they
will just be removed when you "Update All labels"

If that isn't the problem you face, please try to say what steps you have
taken so far (and am I right to assume Word 2002?)

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