Labels on Chart with Negative Value Axis


David F. Schrader

I have a question about an Excel chart. I have a series of graphs which
compare a number of factors relating to "card swipe" data. This relates
to data plotting on an X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axis graph. The
X axis represents the month of the year. The Y axis is the "data error
rate." Data is stored for each successful and each unsuccessful
"swipe." Successful swipes are positive valued while unsuccessful
are negative. In some cases all of the values are negative.

When these values are plotted Excel inverts the graph the graph and
places the labels into the body of the graph. Since the values are
all negative the graph is plotted completely below the "X" axis.
Of course, Excel also places the labels in the same place it over
writes the chart.

I found a way to "move" the label up and down "below" the axis but
Excel still thinks that the axis is above the "X" axis rather than below
it. (And it can't be moved down enough to make it worth while.)

Anyone have any easy/quick ideas that don't require modifying all of my
data or creating a new set of cells with the "absolute" values?

David Schrader

Barb Reinhardt

Are you talking about data labels or the labels on the X axis. Try
formatting the X axis scale and changing the the "Value (Y) axis Crosses
at:" value. If it were me, I'd probably set it to the minimum Y value.

Jon Peltier

If you don't know what the minimum Y value is going to be, set it to some
ridiculously low value, like -1000000000, so it's always less than the actual Y axis

On a log scale you can't use negative numbers, so instead you'd use a ridiculously
small number, 0.0000000001

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

David F. Schrader

Thank you Jon.

That's an idea. The values are all integers but negative but I
have no easy way to play with the "raw data" to change
impose an "absolute" on it. I hadn't thought of using a
"log" scale on the chart. I try it and see what happens.



David F. Schrader


I'm talking about the information pulled from the
actual data which is used for labels on the X (or
Y) axis. For example, the month of the year - 1
through 12.

I'm a bit at a loss as to how to "scale" the values
as you suggest. My minimum will always by 0
while the maximum can range into the negative
hundreds or thousands.

Any suggestions

Jon Peltier

David -

A log scale will not accept negative numbers or zeros. Just pick a very negative number.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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