Lackluster sales almost kill OneNote


We're delighted to hear that Microsoft OneNote, the interesting and
innovative notetaking program will continue with a new release as part
of 'Office 12' in late 2006.

There had been fears that OneNote would be dropped due to relatively
poor sales. Not that the program is bad, far from it, but the Tablet
PC devices, that is the primary platform, have been slow to sell.

Mind you, we're trying the new HP Tablet models at the moment and they
are an improvement over the original Tablet models in many ways. We'll
have a full review of the 'Compaq TC4200' in an upcoming issue.


(For those who wanted a source of information on lackluster OneNote

Gary A. Bushey [SPS MVP]

Maybe I missed it but I do not see anywhere on the page where they got the
information to state OneNote has had lackluster sales.

Chris H.

Even Chris Pratley of the OneNote team at Microsoft has posted facts in this
newsgroup, but this guy apparently has a real problem with truth. Must be
tough living such a negative existence.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

John Waller

(For those who wanted a source of information on lackluster OneNote

I'm more interested in constructive, helpful posts about how to use OneNote
better rather than being updated on your tiresome crusade against ON.


He'll post some pseudo-positive comment in a day or two. I do wonder
why he bothers to post here since OneNote obviously doesn't work for
him. I'm sure he'll say it's because he wants it to be a bettter
product, but he really seems incapable of constructive criticism.

Don't kill the messenger.
That is not my post. I just reposted it for other OneNote users to
As everyone here knows, aka Woody's Office
Watch has been serving the Office Community for a VERY long time. I've
had tonnes of tremendous tips from the site. It is an invaluable
resource of non-partisan information.
You might want to talk to author, a well respected member of the office
community about his source.
Woody always has good inside Redmond scoops.
It's been like that for 10 years +.

John Waller

Can the messenger now please post something positive and uplifting about

No I've posted the positive things.
With no new features for a year, we are left hanging in the wind.

Microsoft wants to pretend that OCR'ing images is a huge upgrade for
version 2.0.
I'm sorry but that is hardly awe-inspiring.

I also dont think OneNote 2.0 will get VBA, which in my mind will be a
huge disappointment.

Chris H.

LOL! What do you expect? Not all software companies ship constant
revisions and new versions. Oh sure, NVIDIA and graphic card companies do
on drivers, but there's a bit more involved with a full program like
OneNote. What don't you spend time in the Windows XP general newsgroup
complaining about lack of a new operating system?
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

John Waller

With no new features for a year, we are left hanging in the wind.

Have you thought of just using the software as it is and getting something
productive done instead of demanding awe inspiring new features on a daily
basis, which won't happen this side of Christmas?

If it's that unusable for you why not uninstall it and sell it?

I have been forced to use other products.

Hoping the OneNote 2.0 will be the product I want it to be.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

Don't kill the messenger.
That is not my post. I just reposted it for other OneNote users to
As everyone here knows, aka Woody's Office
Watch has been serving the Office Community for a VERY long time.

With all due respect to the Office Watch guys, some of whom I know, they
are not always right. Furthermore what you've posted here is nothing
more than them pointing out that their (incorrect) speculation was, in
fact, incorrect.

I know for a fact that OneNote was in no danger of being cancelled
before the next version. I say that as somebody who has actually stood
in the OneNote team's offices and spoken face-to-face with many members
of the OneNote team including Chris Pratley who has very succinctly said
exactly the same thing previously in this very forum.
I've had tonnes of tremendous tips from the site. It is an invaluable
resource of non-partisan information.

Much of which is even correct. But speculation is not fact, even when
it confirms what you hope to be true.
Woody always has good inside Redmond scoops.

Woody doesn't write that column anymore. Last time I was in touch with
him he was living in Thailand and had turned over almost all of the
authorship of those newsletters to others like Peter Deegan. Didn't you
ever wonder why it's not called "Woody's Office Watch" or "WOW" any

In any event the ultimate OneNote insider, Chris, has already given you
the scoop on the product. To get any more inside than Chris you'd have
to be a surgeon. :)


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for
assistance. Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup.

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