Karen C
Since moving to XP I have trouble printing documents that
have both landscape and portrait pages (on several
different printers, all Hewlett Packards). Sometimes the
whole document will print correctly several times.
Another time it will tell you that "Section ... margins
are set outside ....". Sometimes exiting Word and
rebooting works, other times not. Printing preferences
and documents setting are all A4 default. The only way I
have discovered to overcome this problem is to choose No
Scaling on the print menu and select A4 every time I want
to print a document with both landscape and portrait
pages. If "Allow A4 letter resizing" in Options Print is
ticked, the document resizes to Letter size? HELP
have both landscape and portrait pages (on several
different printers, all Hewlett Packards). Sometimes the
whole document will print correctly several times.
Another time it will tell you that "Section ... margins
are set outside ....". Sometimes exiting Word and
rebooting works, other times not. Printing preferences
and documents setting are all A4 default. The only way I
have discovered to overcome this problem is to choose No
Scaling on the print menu and select A4 every time I want
to print a document with both landscape and portrait
pages. If "Allow A4 letter resizing" in Options Print is
ticked, the document resizes to Letter size? HELP