If you are on a Mac, that comment is irrelevant. It was for Word 2000.
But if you are on a Mac, then you are not using Word 2000, as you said. Try
these steps:
Make sure you didn't accidentally turn on "Word 5.1 Menus". Look under View
to see if there's a check next to that option, uncheck if so. If that isn't
the problem:
If you go to Tools | Customize Toolbars/Menus, select the Menu Bar, and
click Reset, it should set all your main menus and built-in toolbars back to
the default.
If you have customized your menus or toolbars, you may want to explore the
Tools | Customize, Commands dialog, and drag the commands you are missing
back to the toolbars/menus yourself, rather than wipe out your
customizations by clicking Reset.
Hope that helps,