Since yesterday, I installed G Data antivirus software. Now I'm getting these language insertions into the subject line of email in foreign languages.
e.g. [japanese 100%]Original subjet blah, blah, blah
It may not be the G Data. I turned off the extension in the Outlook options panel, and it's still happening.
But that's a concrete change I made that immediately preceeded this symptom.
Errol wrote:
Language information in subject line
I have a languate information such as [french 100%] or [turkish 98%]
automatically inserted in the subject line when I receive a message in
different languages.
How can I get rid of it.
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Language information in subject line
I have a languate information such as [french 100%] or [turkish 98%]
automatically inserted in the subject line when I receive a message in
different languages.
How can I get rid of it.
could be added by a content or spam filter?
could be added by a content or spam filter? it is not something outlook adds
on its own.
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