Language Settings in PP



I use a NON-US (german) version of Microsoft Powerpoint on an US operating
system (XP Home)!
Despite all attempts, including adjusting keyboard settings, I cannot keep
language settings and use english spellcheck on pp presentations which I have
translated from german into english.
Does anyone have an answer to this problem?
Help please!

John Wilson

Hi Moniker

There's some vba code on this microsoft site which sort of fixes this.
You'll find though that some things are not switched eg tables, blank text,
diagrams,grouped text. If you drop me an email I can let you have a free
trial of our add in which will do all of these and can swap to any language.


Hi John,

thanks a bunch for your quick response!
here my e-mail address: (e-mail address removed)
I would be very interested in the add you mentioned.
I'll keep you posted on whether or not I was able to resolve this issue!

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