Languages in Office shouldn't de divided into countries


José Alberto

Languages in Office, as well as in Windows, shouldn't be divided into
countries. For example, English, which is spoken in many countries, has
different configurations for the UK and for Ireland, and French has different
ones for France and Luxembourg. This creates some problems with the spelling
tool because if you have a UK English personalised dictionary you cannot add
Irish English words to it, and it is not worth having two personalised
dictionaries, one for the UK and one for Ireland. It would be possible to
mark all the text as from the same country (the UK), but some Irish words are
not in the UK English dictionary.
I think it would be much better to have all the words from all regions in
the same dictionary, and just indicate regeonal differences as a slight
notice - this is, to have only one English dictionary for all countries, and
give less importance to regional differences.

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