languages set



What do all the checked languages displaying when on the Review tab> Language
mean? I am viewing this when I am in outline view and have all content in the
slide show selected. U.S English appears at the top, but as I scroll down I
found all versions of English have a check as do al the versions of French
and Spanish. Are these available dictionaries that come with a standard
loading of Office 2007 for U.S customers of Microsoft Office? If so, do these
other available dictionaries in any way affect spell checking?

Guidance would be appreciated.

Eric Schmidt

I assume you're talking about the "Language" button in the "Proofing" group?

You are correct - that's how you set the spelling and grammar check. Any
language with a checkmark next to it means that PPT 2007 has a dictionary for
that language in order to do spelling and grammar check.

To set it, select the language that you want and then click on "OK."

If you want to know more, check out this article:


Thanks Eric. Can I assume that the U.S English that shows at the top of my
language list means that it's the default set language?

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