Laura Sheldon said:
I have an existing database that was created before I came to work where I
by someone who knew what she was doing, but I have some access experience
also and am not completely sure this database is set up as efficiently as
possible. How do I go about having someone evaluate it?
Evaluating it kind of open and general here?
I think as always you want to set out for some specify goals.
Can it be maintained?
Does it run well now? (I mean if it runs well now, the old saying about if
it is not broke...).
What are future plans for growth?
What about people who might need this information in different locations.
So, when you say evaluation, you might want to try and pin down what the
goals are here. You have this "thing", and basic questions like does it work
well now, does it run well now, do users and staff like using the
application now. All of these questions can be easily answered by simply
asking the current staff and users of the application.
As to if the design is ok, or will the design allow future growth and needs
of the company? Well then you start needing to bring in a professional
developer. This often comes down to what kind of budgets etc. A
developer will generally cost you a min in the $400 range per day.
This is not really any different then asking about a used car you are
planning to purchase. Will it be reliable, will the maintains be worth the
purchase price. Or, should you throw out the car (or software),and purchase
a new car that is trouble free (or bring in a developer and create a new
So if it works ok now then you don't really have much of a problem. However,
if you looking to evaluate this software, then you going to need someone
with VERY good software experience to evaluate it for you. The same goes
for purchasing a house, you have bring in someone experienced to tell you
if the foundation and electrical wiring etc. is in ok shape.
On the other hand, if you been living in your house for years, you will not
out of the blue bring in a person to check the foundation or wiring for no
reason at all. No more so then bringing in a developer to overlook some
software that has been running fine and dandy for years now.
So, you might want to expand a bit more on what you mean by evaluate the
program. To ascertain if the designs are good might not matter if it been
doing what you need for the last 10 years. On the other hand if it not
running well, then you need to really up your software development skills,
or bring in someone who can tell you this.
Some areas to look for:
** Does code have comments and documentation?
** Are the tables well designed (normalized)?
** Is there a NICE ER diagram available (relationships diagram)?
(and is Referential integrity enforced correctly).
** Is the database split, so the developer(s) could work on new features
while users continue to use and work on the production version.
The above is short list, but it is the kind of start for looking at this
So, if some of the above questions are not clear to you or not part of your
development practices you been using for years, then I think it would make
sense to consider bringing in some professional developer to overlook what
you have.
Regardelss of what road and approach you take, you do want to set some
"goals" as to what the final outcome is for your given efforts.
Albert D. Kallal
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
(e-mail address removed)