Large email, 19 mb won't send but keeps trying...



I send an attachment of pictures, 19 mb file but outlook is not sending it.
It keeps it in the outbox and keeps trying to send it. This is slowing down
my computer and all applications. How do I cancel the message? I tried
right clicking and deleting many times but it doesn't work.

F.H. Muffman

I send an attachment of pictures, 19 mb file but outlook is not
sending it. It keeps it in the outbox and keeps trying to send it.
This is slowing down my computer and all applications. How do I
cancel the message? I tried right clicking and deleting many times
but it doesn't work.

File - Work Offline.
Wait 2 minutes.
Delete message.
If it still fails to delete.
File - Exit.
Wait 2 minutes.
Restart Outlook, remain offline.
Delete message.
If it still fails, what version of Outlook?


I send an attachment of pictures, 19 mb file but outlook is not sending it.
It keeps it in the outbox and keeps trying to send it. This is slowing down
my computer and all applications. How do I cancel the message? I tried
right clicking and deleting many times but it doesn't work.

Here's my canned reply:

Delete an item stuck in the Outbox folder:
- Load Outlook.
- Put Outlook in offline mode (File -> Work Offline: enable).
- Exit Outlook.
- Load Outlook in its safe mode ("outlook.exe /safe"). This ensures no
plug-ins get loaded when Outlook is loaded. Reloading Outlook in
offline mode means it won't touch the stuck item. If Outlook ever
touches the item, you cannot delete it.
- Delete the stuck item in the Outbox folder.
- Put Outlook in online mode (File -> Work Offline: disable).
- Exit Outlook.
- Reload Outlook.

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