Large Excel Email list with Non printing character



Hello all!

I have a large email list in Excel and it comes with non printin
characters leading and trailing. I have used both TRIM and CLEA
functions, neither work all the way. I am wondering if there is a
add-in for this or a program that would clean these? At this point I a
having to do this by hand... wasting LOTS of time!

Please help!!! :


Alhalford wrote :
Hello all!

I have a large email list in Excel and it comes with non printing
characters leading and trailing. I have used both TRIM and CLEAN
functions, neither work all the way. I am wondering if there is an
add-in for this or a program that would clean these? At this point I
am having to do this by hand... wasting LOTS of time!

Please help!!! :)

That's typical of imported lists that are delimited by carriage returns
and/or linefeeds. Here's a reusable function I use that will filter out
unwanted characters. It allows all alpha-numeric characters by default,
and you can specify other characters to be included. (In the case of
email addresses: "@-._" are the most common IncludeChars)

Function FilterString(ByVal TextIn As String, _
Optional IncludeChars As String, _
Optional IncludeLetters As Boolean = True, _
Optional IncludeNumbers As Boolean = True) As String
' Filters out all unwanted characters in a string.
' Args: TextIn The string being filtered.
' IncludeChars [Optional] Any characters to keep.
' IncludeLetters [Optional] Keeps any letters. Default=True
' IncludeNumbers [Optional] Keeps any numbers. Default=True
' Returns: String containing only the wanted characters.

Const sSource As String = "FilterString()"

'The basic characters to always keep
Const sLetters As String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
Const sNumbers As String = "0123456789"

Dim i As Long, CharsToKeep As String

CharsToKeep = IncludeChars
If IncludeLetters Then _
CharsToKeep = CharsToKeep & sLetters & UCase(sLetters)
If IncludeNumbers Then _
CharsToKeep = CharsToKeep & sNumbers

For i = 1 To Len(TextIn)
If InStr(CharsToKeep, Mid$(TextIn, i, 1)) Then _
FilterString = FilterString & Mid$(TextIn, i, 1)
End Function 'FilterString()

To use it in a cell formula:
(Assumes email addresses in col A, starting in A2)

In col B2, type ...


...and copy down.

If you store the function in PERSONAL.XLS then to use it in other
workbooks you need to prepend the workbook name like this...



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I see my reader has added link format to my IncludeChars string. To
clarify, it consists of the AT symbol (Shift+2), a hyphen, a period,
and an underscore.


Free usenet access at
Classic VB Users Regroup!


Oops! Sorry about the typos...
In col B2, type ...

..and copy down.

If you store the function in PERSONAL.XLS then to use it in other
workbooks you need to prepend the workbook name like this...


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Classic VB Users Regroup!

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