Large Excel file size caused by a bug ? I really tried everything



I had an Excel file with only 1 sheet, data in cells for about 20 lines by
20 rows, and the size of the file was 311 kB !! I tried the following:
If I copy and paste the whole sheet in a new worksheet, file size is the
same, >300 kB
If I copy and paste all data, column by column, file size is 16 kB !
If I copy all worksheet and paste values only, file size is 14 kB.
If I delete all the data and the cell formats in the original files, the
size is still > 300kB ! Even if there is absolutely nothing anymore in the
sheet !

Please help me understand this !


Just to let you guys know that I found my problem.
I had several small graphics hidden in a cell that had been minimized there
by someone else. By pressing F5, then "Special", then "Objects", then OK, I
could find my graphics and delete them.
I hope this will help others.

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