LARGE function in Access


Santiago Gomez

what is the correct sintax to return the LARGE value and exclude the top 8

I used Expr1: Large("[FieldName]",8) but I get an error:
Undefined function 'Large' in expression.

thanks in advance.

Jeff Boyce


Are you attempting to find the largest (greatest) value in a field? If so,
look at the Totals query, and look at the Maximum() function.

Good luck

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

John Spencer (MVP)

I think that the rough equivalent in Access SQL would be to use the top function
to get the 8 "largest" and then get the Top 1 from that. UNTESTED SQL statement
should look something like.

SELECT Top 1 Tmp.FieldA FROM
(SELECT Distinct TOP 8 Table.FieldA
ORDER BY Table.FieldA Desc) as Tmp
ORDER BY Tmp.FieldA Desc

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