LArge PDF file import



I am trying to import in ON 2007 a 73 pagers PDF files.
After importing (or printing to ON) the system stop at 36 - says 100% done
and shows only 4 first pages of PDF files (Powerpoint transformed to PDF -
teachers do distribution all their materials in PDF format).
Can anyone help me on this?

Using XP on both Tablet and Desktop.


Rainald Taesler

I am trying to import in ON 2007 a 73 pagers PDF files.
After importing (or printing to ON) the system stop at 36 - says 100%
and shows only 4 first pages of PDF files (Powerpoint transformed to
teachers do distribution all their materials in PDF format).

The system should not do that!

As a workaround:
Cut the source PDFs into pieces which might be swallowed.



HI. 1.5 Gb of RAM
75 Gb of HDD space available out of 110GB.
I tried to cut the PDF files in pieces and it works fine... But still can't
get the entire file done at once...

THANKS for the help, and I await your comments or ideas.

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