

Jonathan Birnkrant

Does anyone know if OneNote's interface can be adjusted
to be more like Windows Journal? I am having a terrible
time with the program wanting to make a new "grouping"
everytime I start a new ink stroke. I may not be using
the correct terms, so forgive me, but I am referring to
the cross hairs/highlighted sections of ink strokes you
can move around the page or combine. My problem comes
that I frequently have go back to previously written
information which leads the program to think that when I
am making actually edditing or adding information, it
thinks I am wanting to move the previously written
information. The other problem comes when I want to move
only parts of notes or a diagram - the lasso function was
so much nice : ) I have used Agilix GoBinder, which has
the interface that I like (more like windows Journal) but
1. I like the organization format of OneNote and 2. I
already bought OneNote!
Please forgive me if this is a completely obvious and
stupid question or if the terms I am using are not
technically correct.
Thank you for your time,

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