Last Actual



I want to use a custom field enterprise or not to show the date of the most
recent/last actual for a given project. I want to use it in a project center
view so I can see how long a workplan has been idle

Marc Soester

Hi owp3,

The best way to do so is to use an Enterprise Custom Field and refer to the
"Status Date" via a formula . You can make this Custom Field display to the
Project Center.

Your project manager should alway update the status date once they have
updated a project plan ( this can be found within Project Professional under
"Project > Project Inforamtion"). Once your PM updates and published the
Project Plan, you are able to see the status date when the Project was
updated last in the Project Center, this may solves your problem
Hope this helps



I have last published, last update, last saved etc.

But I need to know the date of the last actual or some call it the Actual
Through Date. This date may or may not coincide with the date of the Last

I need this at the project level but if we get it at the task level and
rollup to the project that is fine too.

I've tried [Actual Start] + [Actual Duration] but i get weird results.


I found the Stop, Resume, Complete Through, and Summary Progress.

The problem with the last two are that they only work for Gantt Charts.

Stop, by definition, seems to be what I am looking for but the values don't
match up to the Task Usage and Resource Usage views for the projects I have


OK I'm part way there...

Step1 create a Task level Enterprise Flag3 with the following formula:
IIf(Not [External Task] And Not [Milestone] And Not [Summary],"Yes","No")
with none "calculation for task and group summary rows.

Step2 create a Task level Enterprise Date1 with the following formula:
IIf(Not [Enterprise Flag3],"NA",[Stop])

The problem is I can't get this to work with the Project level Enterprise
The same formulas dont work. Even referring to my Enterprise Date1 directly
doesn't work.

Again my ultimate objective is to display this value in a Project Center
view and am limited to the Enterprise Project fields or local custom fields.
I don't want to use the local fields since I'd have to build this for each
mpp on the server not to mention the file owners would be able to overwrite
it. So I have to somehow get this value into Enterprise Project DateX.

Any ideas?

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