last cell on a worksheet


Jan Buckley

When I do CTRL-END, my cursor moves to cell N65527; it should be N1000. There
is no data between these two cells. I have tried 'clear-all' to no avail. I
have tried deletiing all the rows from 1000 to the end of the worksheet which
also didn't work. I do have some conditional formats set in the seemingly
empty cells between where my data stops (around 500 or so) and N1000, but
nothing beyond. Any suggestions on how I can get the 'last cell' to be N1000?

Paul B

Jan, you need to reset the used range, have a look here for a way to do it


Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
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Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2002 & 2003

Jan Buckley

The article suggests all the same remedies I've already tried - i.e.
deleting columns, rows adjacent and below my data. I tried them all again to
no avail. Any other suggestions?

Otto Moehrbach

You must save the file after deleting all the excess rows and columns.
In some versions you have to save the file, close the file, and open the
file. HTH Otto


Did you try to code solution? I've tested that and it works. Although the
delete excess stuff and close and reopen generally works.

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