Last date of production



I have a table (tblWellDaily) that contains the daily production volume
for a group of wells. The important fields are:
wellID (primary key)
date (primary key)

What I would like to do is determine the number of days that each wel
has been off production (ie. volume=0 ) based on the last date o

The query contains parameter and expression...
LastInput: [Enter Date of Last Data Input (mm/dd/yy):]
NumDays: DateDiff("y",[date],[LastInput])

Example data would be...

The query would return wellID (in this case well01), volume (from las
date of prod; in this case 100) and NumDays (in this case 2). The las
date of input in this case would be 11/15/03. If a well is producin
on 11/15/03 (volume>0) such as well02, the well would be excluded fro
the query results.

I have struggled with this one for a while without achieving th
desired results. Thanks in advance for any help

John Viescas

PARAMETERS [Enter Date of Last Data Input (mm/dd/yy):] DateTime;
SELECT WellID, [Date], Volume, [Enter Date of Last Data Input (mm/dd/yy):]
As LastInput,
NumDays: DateDiff("y",[date],[LastInput]) As NumDays
FROM tblWellDaily
WHERE [Date] =
(SELECT Max([Date]) FROM tblWellDaily AS W2
WHERE W2.WellID = tblWellDaily.WellID)

You can also do this as an INNER JOIN on the subquery to run faster, but the
result won't be updatable.

BTW, when you use a field name that's also a reserved word (Date), you must
always enclose the field name in brackets.

John Viescas, author
"Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out"
"Running Microsoft Access 2000"
"SQL Queries for Mere Mortals"
(Microsoft Access MVP since 1993)

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