Last Key Press



I have a requirement where my user wants to be able to distinguish where a
user has pressed "tab" to move between form fields in a Word document or the
moved through a using the mouse. It would be easier to in code see if the
last key press was a "tab" or other but I can't find out how to do this ...

Does anyone know if this is possible - please also reply if you know that
its not.

Thanks in advance,

Lars-Eric Gisslén


If the user moved between the FormFields using the Tab key can be catched in
an OnExit macro by calling GetKeyState() Win API function. We have found out
that this is not reliable when moving beteen the FormFields with the mouse
as the OnExit macro is sometimes not called.


Fantastic !
Even if you say its not reliable, its still a way out of my situation !!!
You have no idea how much time and hassle this has caused me and your the
first person whose found a way out of it.

Thankyou, your help is very much appreciated !

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