Last Line



Is there any formula to tell me what the last line of data in a column is?
-- for example if data ends in cell A45 -- is there a formula that would look
a column a and return A45?


terri said:
Is there any formula to tell me what the last line of data in a column is?
-- for example if data ends in cell A45 -- is there a formula that would look
a column a and return A45?

Do you want to return the contents of A45 or the cell reference A45?

Does Column A contain text or numerical values? Or does it contain both?


I want it to return the cell reference of A45. The column contains


terri said:
I want it to return the cell reference of A45. The column contains

Alpha-numeric values, such as ABC12345, are considered text values. As
such, the following formulas will find the last text value in Column A
and return its cell reference...




Gord Dibben

=ADDRESS(MATCH(REPT("z",255),A:A),1) will return address of last text data
in column A

=ADDRESS(MATCH(99^99,A:A),1) will return address of last numeric data.

The ,1 is a variable for cell address reference style.

1 is absolute................4 is relative........2 and 3 are row and
column relative.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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