Perhaps someone will say otherwise, but to my knowledge this cannot be done.
You can determine the last modified time of the mdb file itself, but when
someone edited the vba code... I do not believe this is possible.
Why? What is the end goal? Perhaps we can guide you in another way.
Hope this helps,
i'm not sure the code below will help you since as per this article it seems this is a known problem. not
sure if its been fixed. the article was written last June 25, 2004.
ACC2000: DAO LastUpdated Property Returns Incorrect Date/Time
Private Sub Command0_Click()
MsgBox CurrentDb.Containers("Forms").Documents("form1").LastUpdated
End Sub
How can I know the modified date for a form, a report, and a module?
Be very careful with the system objects. Remember to back up your database
before playing with this...
SELECT MSysObjects.DateUpdate
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Name)="objectname"));
Put in any object name (table name, report name, etc.)
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