Last Payment Amount and Date



I would like to print an invoice that includes the amount and date of the
last payment that was made. Any other ideas on how to accomplish this?

I tried the DLast function but if there is more then one unpaid invoice I
get nothing. DLast("[Pymt]", "tableName", "[Pymt]" > "0").

Table includes all the invoice information including fields for the amount
and date of payment for each inv record. This table is the "many" side to a
one-to many relationship. So custnum 10000 will have many records some of
them will be paid. some of them will not be paid.

[custnum] [Amt] [invDate] [Item] [Pymt] [Pymt Date]
10000 1.00 1/1/07 food 1.00 1/10/07

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